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Los amigos de Becky

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Libro Los amigos de Becky

This Spanish edition of Becky and Her Friends, by Rolando Hinojosa, is the latest novel in Hinojosa's Klail City Death Trip series which follows generations of Anglos and Mexicans in the fictional Rio Grande Valley town of Klail City, Texas. In this novel, however, Hinojosa focuses on a character who has previously not taken the limelight: the strong-willed, upwardly mobile Becky Escobar. Following her story, Hinojosa explores the world of Latinas: women's culture, language and spirit in the world of the Valley. Delightfully playful in narrative perspective, this story gives the reader a glimpse through the eyes of the female side of Klail City.

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Cantidad de páginas 128


  • Rolando Hinojosa


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47 Valoraciones Totales

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