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La guitarra de mi hermano (My Brother’s Guitar)

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Libro La guitarra de mi hermano (My Brother’s Guitar)

What's more fun than making music? This colorful fiction story follows a little boy and his older brother as they play guitar and teach other important lessons about practicing, sharing, and working hard for things they want. Age-appropriate text is perfect for emerging readers and younger listeners. Bright illustrations on each page encourage readers to make connections with the text. This high-interest topic will engage readers of all ages and abilities.

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Cantidad de páginas 26



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Libro ¡Feliz día de San Valentín! (Happy Valentine's Day!)

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that celebrates love and friendship. This book explores how one little boy prepares for and celebrates Valentine’s Day with his family and friends. Readers follow the relatable main character as he makes cards and cupcakes at home, and shares snacks and songs at school. This book is filled with beautiful illustrations, and the low-level text is perfect for early readers. Children of all ages will enjoy this Valentine’s Day celebration.

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"Eva spends her days studying the meaning of dreams. She classifies them in ""The Quadrant of Morpheus,"" a tool that her grandmother gave her to understand the desires, feelings, and fears that are hidden in her dreams. One day, her guardian angel can't dream. Soon after, Eva's dreams begin to disappear."

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