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Kaliman En Jerico: Pelaos de Las Calles, Heroes de Medellin

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Libro Kaliman En Jerico: Pelaos de Las Calles, Heroes de Medellin

I arrived in Medellin looking for Adrian, and I met Nahum, Hernan Dario, Jonathan, Victor Manuel, Fernando, Juan Esteban, Ruben Dario, Wilinton, Douglas, Jose Daniel, Angel Antonio, Julio, and Fabio. In Barecelona, I m Santiago, but here at the Jericho Lighthouse Foundation, I m Kaliman, the hero who listens to true stories of wounded, mistreated young men who had been banished from the good life. You can t erase the past, and picking yourself up is no easy feat. But the men at Faro are also Kalimans; they have left the streets, the drugs, and the scraping by behind to begin to look forward to a future of hope."

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Cantidad de páginas 144


  • Àngel Burgas


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