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Tiranosaurio Rex

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Libro Tiranosaurio Rex

Children learn about the features of Tyrannosaurus Rex, what Tyrannosaurus Rex ate, and how it attacked other dinosaurs.

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Cantidad de páginas 24


  • Daniel Nunn


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Libro ¡Última vuelta! Carreras de kartings (Final Lap! Go-Kart Racing)

Go-Karts are a fun and thrilling way to hit the road! This exciting, Spanish-translated nonfiction title invites readers to explore different parts needed to build a go-kart, velocity, speed, and how to stay safe in this fun motorsport. Using detailed images, charts and diagrams, informational text, and interesting facts in conjunction with mathematical skills and upper-level features such as a glossary of terms, an index, and a chapter format, readers are sure to be engaged and excited from cover to cover!

Jugar a pensar con cuentos

Libro Jugar a pensar con cuentos

Este libro, Jugar a pensar con cuentos, narra las aventuras de la simpática mariquita Juanita que viajando por el mundo trae distintos cuentos, como recuerdos, en su mochila. Y como ese personaje sigue inquieto, su historia si llena de cuestionamientos sobre todo lo que los cuentos le hacen pensar. Este libro es un viaje reflexivo que invita a los niños a pensar mientras se divierten con Juanita y sus interrogantes.



This illustration-packed book begins with a brief overview about the history of the theater and then delves into the sets, actors, and audiences for Shakespeare's plays. It even talks about the famous fire at the Globe Theater and what life was like in London during the Plague. A detailed chronology is included.

Libros Recomendados 2024

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