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EMS Translator Field Guide

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Libro EMS Translator Field Guide

The EMS Translator Field Guide, Spanish Edition allows the provider to simply point to Spanish questions and explanations, rather than requiring him or her to learn the language or pronounce the words phonetically. When the provider needs to obtain more information from the patient about his or her medical condition, the provider selects a question they wish to ask from a list of queries written in English and then simply points to the corresponding question in Spanish. The Spanish-speaking patient then needs only to answer "yes" or "no" to the questions posed to him or her. The English and Spanish translation are laid out side-by-side, allowing the English-speaking provider to quickly find and point to the Spanish version. Moreover, the Field Guide's topics are arranged alphabetically by medical condition, ensuring that the EMT can quickly and effectively communicate with his or her patient.

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Tñitulo Secundario : Spanish Edition

Cantidad de páginas 57


  • David Swadener


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63 Valoraciones Totales

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