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¡Tú también puedes! Los defensores de los derechos civiles (You Can Too! Civil Rights Champions)

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Libro ¡Tú también puedes! Los defensores de los derechos civiles (You Can Too! Civil Rights Champions)

Rights are things that make life fair for everyone. But sometimes people are treated unfairly. When this happens, we have to stand up for what is right. We have to become civil rights champions! This Spanish nonfiction book will teach students about civil rights, and introduces them to new vocabulary terms and concepts. Important text features include a glossary, index, and table of contents to engage students in reading as they develop their comprehension, vocabulary, and literacy skills. The Reader's Guide and culminating activity require students to connect back to the text as they develop their higher-order thinking skills. Check It Out! provides resources for additional reading and learning. With TIME For Kids content, this book aligns with national and state standards and will keep students reading from cover to cover.

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Cantidad de páginas 35



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