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Terremotos y tsunamis

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Libro Terremotos y tsunamis

Terremotos y tsunamis is one book in the Spanish-language Gran Atlas de la Ciencia series that covers today's most popular science topics, from digital TV to microchips to touchscreens and beyond. Perennial subjects in earth science, life science, and physical science are all explored in detail. Amazing graphics--more than 1,000 per title--combined with concise summaries help students understand complex subjects. Correlated to the science curriculum in grades 5-9, each title also contains a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary.

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Cantidad de páginas 63



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Más libros de Sol 90

Huracanes y tornados

Libro Huracanes y tornados

Huracanes y tornados is one book in the Spanish-language Gran Atlas de la Ciencia series that covers today's most popular science topics, from digital TV to microchips to touchscreens and beyond. Perennial subjects in earth science, life science, and physical science are all explored in detail. Amazing graphics--more than 1,000 per title--combined with concise summaries help students understand complex subjects. Correlated to the science curriculum in grades 5-9, each title also contains a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary.

Reptiles y anfibios

Libro Reptiles y anfibios

Reptiles y anfibios is one book in the Spanish-language Gran Atlas de la Ciencia series that covers today's most popular science topics, from digital TV to microchips to touchscreens and beyond. Perennial subjects in earth science, life science, and physical science are all explored in detail. Amazing graphics--more than 1,000 per title--combined with concise summaries help students understand complex subjects. Correlated to the science curriculum in grades 5-9, each title also contains a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary.

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Un bosque para la mariposa monarca

Libro Un bosque para la mariposa monarca

¡Aprende con nosotros sobre los animales de América que están en peligro de extinción! Imagínate viajar desde Canadá hasta Michoacán... ¡volando sin avión! Cada año, la mariposa monarca busca la temperatura templada de los bosques mexicanos y emprende su viaje. Se calcula que cada noviembre llegan a los bosques de México alrededor de cien millones de mariposas monarca. ¿Sabías que las mariposas monarca que regresan a Canadá después de su largo viaje anual y su hibernación de cuatro meses en México son las bisnietas de las que iniciaron el viaje? Lee este libro para conocer...

En la soledad y en la guerra

Libro En la soledad y en la guerra

Love story set in Madrid during the last days of the reign of Alfonso XIII. Isabel, an educated young woman from a pro-monarchy family meets Joaquín, whose background is very different. The author means to offer a complete and accurate picture of the ten turbulent years that determined the history of Spain in the twentieth century.

Un día en el zoológico (Day at the Zoo) (Spanish Version)

Libro Un día en el zoológico (Day at the Zoo) (Spanish Version)

Practice nonstandard measurement at the zoo! This exciting, Spanish-translated title encourages readers to practice measuring their favorite zoo animals, such as elephants, giraffes, pandas, and more. A gorilla weighs the same as three men! When a cheetah runs, its stride length is the length of three men! An elephant weighs the same as three pickup trucks! Vivid images, fun practice questions, early STEM themes, and helpful mathematical diagrams make nonstandard measurement entertaining and easy for children to understand.

Todos Somos Diferentes (We Are All Different)

Libro Todos Somos Diferentes (We Are All Different)

A young girl explains how she and her diverse group of friends are all different from each other. In this first-person nonfiction narrative, vibrant photographs reinforce the idea of a community of students who respect each other and live in harmony. A picture-word glossary is included.

Libros Recomendados 2024

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