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La naturaleza de la materia (The Nature of Matter)

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Libro La naturaleza de la materia (The Nature of Matter)

What is matter? Anything that takes up space is matter. Matter can be a water, liquid, or gas. These are the states of matter. Learn about matter with this Spanish science reader that features easy-to-read text. Nonfiction text features include a glossary, index, and detailed images to facilitate close reading and help students connect back to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the book also includes a fun and engaging science experiment to develop critical thinking and help students practice what they have learned.

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Cantidad de páginas 32



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Reptiles y anfibios reptantes

Libro Reptiles y anfibios reptantes

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Take a journey into the wild world of reptiles and amphibians! Readers will learn about crocodiles, lizards, snakes, tortoises, and salamanders. Featuring a glossary, index, colorful images and charts, intriguing facts, and clear, informative text, readers will be sure to be enthralled as they move through this engaging, Spanish-translated book.

Los invertebrados increíbles (Incredible Invertebrates)

Libro Los invertebrados increíbles (Incredible Invertebrates)

Did you know that most animals in the world don't have backbones? Learn more about invertebrates in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Readers will learn all about mollusks, arthropods, arachnids, and crustaceans while being stimulated from cover to cover with its detailed images and charts, intriguing facts, and informative text.

Los invertebrados increíbles

Libro Los invertebrados increíbles

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Did you know that most animals in the world don't have backbones? Learn more about invertebrates in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Readers will learn all about mollusks, arthropods, arachnids, and crustaceans while being stimulated from cover to cover with its detailed images and charts, intriguing facts, and informative text.

Trabajar o pasar hambre (Work or Starve)

Libro Trabajar o pasar hambre (Work or Starve)

This four-act script allows students to perform roles at differentiated reading levels to accommodate all students. Written in Spanish, students will interact cooperatively with their peers, learn to speak with feeling and meaning, increase their vocabulary and comprehension, and develop stage presence. A glossary is included to engage students further with this play that focuses on early US History. Characters include Captain John Smith, Pocahontas, Powhatan, and more.

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Próxima parada: México (Next Stop: Mexico)

Libro Próxima parada: México (Next Stop: Mexico)

Welcome to Mexico! From the various animals to the warm desert, readers are invited to explore all aspects of this beautiful country in this delightful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Using informational text in conjunction with vibrant photos, maps, and charts, readers will be engaged from beginning to end!

En busca del Quijote desde otra orilla

Libro En busca del Quijote desde otra orilla

"In search of "Don Quixote" from other side of the estimate that there are no gaps between the various fields of knowledge and literary productions that are specific manifestations of a global representation system historically determined. So, it seemed necessary to put Don Quixote in its various circumstances, linking it to the contexts under which it has set, especially regarding attitudes and references involved, not to mention the cultural particularities that arise in him, both scholarly and popular. Hence, the approaches used, of a historical, anthropological and literary, to go for the ...

Diario secreto de Susi

Libro Diario secreto de Susi

Susi tiene un diario, y en él escribe todas las cosas que le van sucediendo cada día. Paul también tiene un diario en el que escribe lo que le sucede. ¿Coincidirán los puntos de vista de los niños sobre los mismos acontecimientos? Una historia sobre la amistad y el devenir de la vida.

Oso Enfermero y los primeros auxilios

Libro Oso Enfermero y los primeros auxilios

¿Una quemadura, un corte, un golpe en la cabeza? ¡Únete a Oso Enfermero para aprender cómo llamar a una ambulancia y descubrir técnicas básicas de primeros auxilios para que tú también puedas ayudar!

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