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Hillary Clinton

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Libro Hillary Clinton

Even young readers were likely saturated with exposure to Hillary Clinton over the course of the 2016 presidential election. But do they really know who she is and what she has accomplished? This volume bridges the gap between current news stories and what elementary readers really know about the first female presidential candidate. By illuminating the life and story of this powerhouse of politics, young readers can learn and be inspired by a story of perseverance, service to others, and commitment to beliefs. With a vivid, age-appropriate narrative, this much-needed volume is sure to be right at home in any library or classroom.

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Cantidad de páginas 24



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16 Valoraciones Totales

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Thomas Edison

Libro Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is considered by many to be one of the greatest inventors of all time. His creations changed the world, but there was more to his life than just his inventions. Readers of this engaging volume will learn all about the man behind the innovations. This fascinating biography introduces important subjects and encourages a further interest in history. Concise and accessible text paired with vibrant photographs is sure to captivate audiences of many ages and levels.

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Desafíos matemáticos

Libro Desafíos matemáticos

Sesenta autores, desde catedráticos de universidad hasta estudiantes de Secundaria y Bachillerato, nos presentan los cuarenta desafíos que la Real Sociedad Matemática Española propuso con motivo de su centenario.Son cuarenta estimulantes retos que avivan el ingenio. Enfrentándose a ellos, el lector se sentirá un auténtico investigador matemático.Pero no hay que asustarse. No es necesario saber muchas matemáticas. La herramienta esencial para resolver los desafíos es pensar ordenadamente.

Roberto Clemente (Spanish Version) (Spanish Version)

Libro Roberto Clemente (Spanish Version) (Spanish Version)

Roberto Clemente is remembered as a one of the greatest baseball players who ever lived, but more than that, he was also a man who believed in equality for all. Readers will learn about his incredible life in this inspiring, Spanish-translated nonfiction biographical title. Children will enthusiastically want to learn all they can about Roberto's amazing life as the first Puerto Rican in major league baseball through vibrant images, intriguing facts, a helpful timeline, and a glossary that will assist in vocabulary improvement.

¿Hola, cómo estás?

Libro ¿Hola, cómo estás?

Los niños aprenderán las frases y las palabras sencillas de español en este libro divertido y ilustrado, por ejemplo, ¿Hola, cómo estás? ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Qué hora es? ¡Y más! (Children will learn simple Spanish phrases and words through this fun illustrated story, for example, How are you? What is your name? What time is it? And more!) Meet Philip and Martha, two young students who meet at school and become friends. Young learners will find the simple greetings, questions and statements easy to understand. Learn simple English words and phrases with the corresponding version...

Una Rival Sin Igual

Libro Una Rival Sin Igual

¿Sueñas con jugar como Alexia? Una nueva aventura de ALEXIA PUTELLAS, balón de oro 2021, capitana del F. C. Barcelona y jugadora de la selección. ¡Para las superfutbolistas del futuro! Alexia sueña con ser futbolista profesional. Ahora que su equipo y ella han pasado a la siguiente fase del torneo, ¡la competición está más viva que nunca! El equipo que gane recibirá dinero para construir un campo de fútbol. Sin embargo, Alexia comienza a notar que a su alrededor pasan cosas raras: partidos amañados, jugadores asustados y una feroz rivalidad con Laia, la capitana del equipo...

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