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First Spanish reader

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Libro First Spanish reader

Perfect for beginning students of Spanish, this affordable anthology is filled with 41 delightful stories and proverbs based on works of Don Juan Manuel, Luis Taboada, Ricardo Palma, and other noted writers. Complete and faithful English translations are featured on the facing pages of the Spanish text. Exercises are also included.

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Tñitulo Secundario : a beginner's dual-language book

Cantidad de páginas 167


  • Angel Flores


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93 Valoraciones Totales

Más libros de Filología

Spanish for Communication

Libro Spanish for Communication

Designed for more advanced introductory-level students, Spanish for Communication develops the basic language skills necessary for successful communication in everyday situations. At the beginning of each lesson, a realistic dialogue provides the context for the introduction of grammar and vocabulary, which is then reinforced through questions, situational roleplays, and realia-based activities and is correlated to Basic Spanish Grammar.

Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 5

Libro Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 5

FUNNY TALES IN EASY SPANISH Volume 5 Riendo con Jaimito Intermediate Level This volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary

El motivo de la naturaleza en las "Silvas Americanas" de Andrés Bello y "La Cautiva" de Esteban Echeverría

Libro El motivo de la naturaleza en las Silvas Americanas de Andrés Bello y La Cautiva de Esteban Echeverría

Seminar paper del año 2010 en eltema Romanística - Español, literatura, cultura general, Nota: 5.5, Universität Basel (Iberoromanistisches Institut - Hispanistik), Idioma: Español, Resumen: El motivo de la naturaleza americana aparece por primera vez en los libros de viajes, conteniendo descripciones del nuevo mundo colonizado (FRANCO 1975: 20). Por lo tanto, este motivo surge en la literatura con la colonización y, aunque parezca contradictorio, será ese mismo motivo del que se servirán los escritores criollos en el siglo XIX para proclamar la independencia. El objetivo de este...

De viaje

Libro De viaje

At the Charmartin station, a student named Frank waits in line to buy his return ticket to Paris. Right behind him is Marta. Meanwhile, Federico arrives in Sydney, unaware of when or how he boarded the airplane that took him from his bed all the way to Australia.

Libros Recomendados 2025

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