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I am Thankful Estoy agradecida

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Libro I am Thankful Estoy agradecida

English Spanish Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Spanish as their second language. This book shows how easy it is to be grateful for everything in life, even the little things. From waking up in the morning, to enjoying the warm sun, to going back to sleep and hugging your favorite teddy bear. There is always something to be thankful for.

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Tñitulo Secundario : English Spanish Bilingual Book for Children

Cantidad de páginas 36



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I Love My Mom - Spanish edition Everybody loves their Mom, no matter what their age. In this bedtime story, the little bunny Jimmy and his older brothers try to find a perfect present for Mom’s birthday. They want to show how much they love her. What creative solution did they find to express their feelings? You will find out in this illustrated children’s book. This children’s book is part of a collection of short bedtime stories. This story may be ideal for reading to your kids at bedtime as it’s enjoyable for the whole family!

I Love to Share Me Encanta Compartir

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Libro I Love to Help Me encanta ayudar

English Spanish Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Spanish as their second language. Jimmy the little bunny goes to the beach with his family. There he learns about the importance of helping others. When Jimmy's sandcastle is destroyed by the wave, they work together to build the bigger and better one. Everything works out better when we help each other. Jimmy el conejito va a la playa con su familia. AhI aprende sobre la importancia de ayudar a los demAs. Cuando el castillo de arena de Jimmy es destruido por una ola, trabajan juntos para construir uno mAs grande...

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Libro Estandarización y desestandarización

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