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Libro Espacios

ESPACIOS is a 2-semester intermediate Spanish program developed to accommodate the diverse needs of today's language learners and educators. ESPACIOS supports the many reasons students take Spanish by presenting grammar, vocabulary, and opportunities for communication within the exploration of a variety of different spaces: personal and public; historic and contemporary; cultural and social. The breadth of themes, countries, and content mediums exposes students to a more informed perspective to each given topic. Through this exploration, students expand on what they know about the Spanish-speaking world in a reflective and informed way. End-of-chapter culminating projects reinforce the mechanics of the language while providing students with a culturally engaging framework in which they connect the language and their daily life interests. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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Cantidad de páginas 400


  • Nuria Alonso García
  • Lynn A. Sandstedt
  • Ralph Kite


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Libro ¿Guerra o paz en Colombia?

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