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Atlas de los indios norteamericanos

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Libro Atlas de los indios norteamericanos

An illustrated survey of the history and customs of the native North Americans who were members of hundreds of different tribes with varying lifestyles over the centuries.

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Cantidad de páginas 96


  • Gilbert Legay


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82 Valoraciones Totales

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The author describes a variety of strange animals including an African antelope, the sloth, and the angler fish.

Antes del último sueño

Libro Antes del último sueño

Moth vive con su madre en uno de los barrios más pobres de Nueva York. Al cumplir los doce años es vendida como sirvienta, y al escapar de esta nueva vida, entra en contacto con los bajos fondos de la ciudad. Aprende a convivir con pícaros, ladronzuelos, mendigos y prostitutas, pero también con los ricos que visitan en secreto el prostíbulo clandestino de Miss Everett, un local exclusivo en el que se ofrece a chicas jóvenes y vírgenes, como Moth, como el bien más preciado. A pesar de las duras condiciones, este nuevo mundo de lujo, le permite a Moth soñar con una nueva vida, una...

Líderes de la comunidad ebook

Libro Líderes de la comunidad ebook

Learn what it takes to be a community leader. This Spanish nonfiction book emphasizes the importance of local leaders and it includes a fiction story related to the topic, glossary, bonus activity, useful text features, and engaging sidebars. This 28-page full-color Spanish book describes the roles and responsibilities of various leadership positions. It also covers important civics topics like volunteerism and leadership, and includes an extension activity for grade 2. Perfect for the classroom, at-home learning, or homeschool, to explore communities, local government, and how individuals...

¿Qué Son Los Recursos? (What Are Resources?)

Libro ¿Qué Son Los Recursos? (What Are Resources?)

Young readers may have heard about the benefits of using and making the most of their resources, but how does that factor into an economic discussion? This thorough discussion defines resources and describes the different types of resources and why some divide them into three categories and others choose four. The book also addresses the concept of scarcity, showing readers how, because all resources have their limits, it is important to use them responsibly and efficiently in a healthy economy.

Libros Recomendados 2024

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