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Sofía Reyes

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Libro Sofía Reyes

Book Features: • 32 pages, about 7 inches x 9 inches • Ages 8-14, Grades 3-8 Latin bi-lingual themed leveled readers • Simple, easy-to-read pages with vibrant illustrations • Features side-by-side English and Spanish text • After-reading questions and activities included The Magic Of Reading: Introduce children to the magic of reading, culture, and music with Sofía Reyes: Stars of Latin Pop/Estrellas del Pop Latino. The 32-page book features vibrant photos and interesting facts about the beloved superstar. Stars Of Latin Pop: Sofía Reyes is an award-winning Mexican singer that's on her way to becoming one of the top pop stars in the world, but has she always loved music? Learn about the famous singer's childhood, her rise to stardom, and much more! Features: More than just an engaging story full of interesting facts about the superstar, the kids book also features glossary words, vibrant photography, comprehension questions, and reading activities for added reading engagement. Bilingual Literacy: This pop culture book includes side-by-side English and Spanish text to promote bilingual literacy and enhance your child’s reading comprehension skills. Why Rourke Educational Media: Since 1980, Rourke Publishing Company has specialized in publishing engaging and diverse non-fiction and fiction books for children in a wide range of subjects that support reading success on a level that has no limits.

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Cantidad de páginas 32


  • Jolene Gutiérrez


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