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Trabajar o pasar hambre (Work or Starve)

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Libro Trabajar o pasar hambre (Work or Starve)

This four-act script allows students to perform roles at differentiated reading levels to accommodate all students. Written in Spanish, students will interact cooperatively with their peers, learn to speak with feeling and meaning, increase their vocabulary and comprehension, and develop stage presence. A glossary is included to engage students further with this play that focuses on early US History. Characters include Captain John Smith, Pocahontas, Powhatan, and more.

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Cantidad de páginas 24



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Los invertebrados increíbles (Incredible Invertebrates)

Libro Los invertebrados increíbles (Incredible Invertebrates)

Did you know that most animals in the world don't have backbones? Learn more about invertebrates in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Readers will learn all about mollusks, arthropods, arachnids, and crustaceans while being stimulated from cover to cover with its detailed images and charts, intriguing facts, and informative text.

Reptiles y anfibios reptantes (Slithering Reptiles and Amphibians)

Libro Reptiles y anfibios reptantes (Slithering Reptiles and Amphibians)

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Harriet Tubman

Libro Harriet Tubman

In this biographical book, young readers will learn about the brave life of Harriet Tubman. Readers will discover how Tubman bravely escaped from her life as a slave to cross the Mason-Dixon line into freedom and how she helped hundreds of other slaves into freedom through the Underground Railroad with the help of abolitionists. The vivid images, stunning facts, and supportive text work in conjunction with the helpful glossary, index, and timeline of Tubman's life to give readers an engaging experience as they move from cover to cover. This book has been translated into Spanish.

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Libro Las Goleadoras no se rinden

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