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Say It in Spanish!

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Libro Say It in Spanish!

Communicate easily and effectively with Spanish-speaking students and their parents in no time! This handy book will help you learn the basics of Spanish and can also be used for teaching students the essentials. It even includes tips for parent-teacher meetings and simple notes in Spanish and English to send home with Spanish-speaking students. To simplify learning, the lessons, vocabulary, and activities are limited to what is needed for the elementary classroom. Even if you have never taken a Spanish course before, this resource will make it easy to learn the basics you need to know. Ideal for Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) classes and FLES (Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools), bilingual, and homeschooling programs, this book is a great resource for schools with Spanish-speaking populations. Grades K-6.

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Tñitulo Secundario : Language and Activities for the Elementary Classroom

Cantidad de páginas 142


  • Marianne Mitchell


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Libros Recomendados 2025

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