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Letras hispánicas en la gran pantalla

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Libro Letras hispánicas en la gran pantalla

Letras Hispánicas en la Gran Pantalla is an innovative textbook for advanced students of Hispanic studies, which merges the studies of canonical literary works and their film adaptions. Students are guided through key literary masterpieces spanning from the Renaissance to the present day while, at the same time, interpreting their film versions. This parallel approach encourages students to develop their analytical skills as they master the terminology of contemporary studies in literature and cinema. Exploring complete works by both male and female authors and directors from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain, Letras Hispánicas en la Gran Pantalla allows students discover the astounding diversity of the Spanish-speaking world, in a unique and engaging way.

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Tñitulo Secundario : De la literatura al cine

Cantidad de páginas 190



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37 Valoraciones Totales

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