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La vida marina (Sea Life)

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Libro La vida marina (Sea Life)

From tide pools to the ocean, the sea is filled with amazing life forms! Early readers will be engaged from beginning to end with informational, Spanish-translated text, vivid photos, and a picture glossary of marine animals.

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La historia del correo: Datos (The History of Mail: Data)

Libro La historia del correo: Datos (The History of Mail: Data)

People have been sending mail for a long time. But how they do it has changed a lot! Read about the history of mail as you learn to collect data. This Spanish math book combines math and reading skills and uses real-life examples of problem solving to teach subject-area content. The dynamic images, detailed sidebars, practice problems, and math diagrams make learning data measurement easy and fun. Text features include a table of contents, a glossary, an index, and captions to build vocabulary and increase understanding of math and reading concepts. An in-depth problem-solving section...

Casos extremos de luz solar (Living in Sunlight Extremes) eBook

Libro Casos extremos de luz solar (Living in Sunlight Extremes) eBook

Imagine getting ready for bed when the sun is still shining, or eating lunch when it’s dark outside. How are such things possible? Learn how people in places such as Alaska, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Canada cope with days and days of sunlight and darkness. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces and that guides students step-by-step through the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career...

La ropa nueva del emperador (The Emperor's New Clothes) (Spanish Version)

Libro La ropa nueva del emperador (The Emperor's New Clothes) (Spanish Version)

A vain emperor is put in an embarrassing situation when two tricky tailors take advantage of his vanity and make him clothes that are supposedly only visible to people who are fit for their jobs. Unwilling to look incapable by admitting that he sees nothing, he walks in a parade in just his underwear! Luckily, a bold child tells the truth about the emperor's new clothes. This script features roles translated into Spanish and written to match different reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. By utilizing differentiation strategies, teachers can...

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Próxima parada: Canadá

Libro Próxima parada: Canadá

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Welcome to Canada! From its majestic mountains to its exciting sports, readers are invited to explore what makes Canada so special in this exciting, Spanish-translated nonfiction title! With informational text, fresh vocabulary, and engaging maps, readers will be engaged from beginning to end.

Juega Con Cuidado/Play It Smart

Libro Juega Con Cuidado/Play It Smart

"Los patios de juegos son lugares estupendos para jugar con tus amigos. Pero si no tienes cuidado, te puedes lastimar. Si sigues estas reglas de seguridad, te divertirás en todo tipo de patio de juegos." --From publisher's descripton.

Más allá de las sombras

Libro Más allá de las sombras

El asesino perfecto no tiene conciencia, solo una misión. La rebelión del pueblo de Cenaria contra el rey-dios Garoth Ursuul y el imperio de Khalidor ha triunfado. El opresor ha muerto, sus tropas han sido derrotadas, pero a un coste muy alto: el reino entero ha quedado devastado, y Logan Gyre, el legítimo heredero al trono del país, ha tenido que ceder la corona a una de las nobles que encabezó la causa rebelde para apaciguar los ánimos y no desatar una guerra civil en un momento tan precario. En el imperio de Khalidor, ha sido elegido un nuevo gobernante. Tiene un plan, y si lo...


Libro Mayas

Aunque los mayas desconocían las aplicaciones de la rueda y no utilizaban los animales ni para el trabajo ni para el transporte, lograron crear una de las civilizaciones más brillantes de la historia. A pesar de que dispusieron de una tecnología muy limitada, colonizaron una parte importante de América Central y construyeron impresionantes monumentos.

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