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La ilustración botánica (Botanical Illustration)

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Libro La ilustración botánica (Botanical Illustration)

Imagine a career where you get paid to draw all day. That's what botanical illustrators do! Get inside the mind of a botanical illustrator, and learn how their intricate drawings of plants help science. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this Spanish book ignites a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that guides English language learners through every step of the engineering design process. Inspire students to pursue a STEAM career with career advice from a real person working in a STEAM field. Discover engineering innovations that solve real-world problems with this STEAM book that includes all aspects of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math!

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Cantidad de páginas 35


  • Kristina Mercedes Urquhart


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