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Jose El Chevere: Helado y Dinosaurios (Jose El Chevere #1)

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Libro Jose El Chevere: Helado y Dinosaurios (Jose El Chevere #1)

Groovy Joe was living the dream. He had a spoon and tub of doggy ice cream. And he started to sing: Love my doggy ice cream! Love my doggy ice cream! Eric Litwin, author of the bestselling and beloved Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, and bestselling artist Tom Lichtenheld, illustrator of Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site, have created a captivating new canine character who will sing his way into readers' hearts and have them grooving and giggling all the while. In his debut adventure, Groovy Joe faces three roaring dinosaurs hungry for his doggy ice cream! Oh no! But Joe knows just what to do and soon enough he has them all sharing while moving and singing along. Signature rhyme, repetition, and musical writing style, combined with wild and witty illustrations come together to create an unforgettable new character who embodies positivity, creativity, and kindness. Groovy Joe is here, ready to get groovy!

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Cantidad de páginas 40



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Más libros de Eric Litwin



Pete the Cat loves his white shoes, but he keeps stepping in different things that change their color. The songs that he sings about his footwear were intentionally left in English to match the recording that can be downloaded from the publisher's website.

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