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Jacopo Tintoretto

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Libro Jacopo Tintoretto

Table of contents: I. Tintoretto and the Venetian Culture and Religious Environment Paul Hills, Tintoretto and Venetian Gothic - Augusto Gentili, Tintoretto in contesto tra politica e religion - Benjamin Paul, Archaism and Pauline Spirituality in Jacopo Tintoretto's Crucifixion for SS. Cosma e Damiano - Tom Nichols, False Gods: Tintoretto's Mythologies as Anti-poesie - Bernard Aikema, La casta Susanna II. Tintoretto and the Art of his Time Philip Cottrell, Painters in Practice: Tintoretto, Bassano and the Studio of Bonifacio de' Pitati - Roland Krischel, Jacopo Tintoretto and Giulio Romano - Miguel Falomir, Tintoretto y Tiziano - David Rosand, Tintoretto and Veronese: Style, Personality, Class - Jose Alvarez Lopera, Sobre Tintoretto y el Greco - Stefania Mason, Domenico Tintoretto e l'eredita della bottega III. Connoisseurship Robert Echols and Frederick Ilchman, Toward a New Tintoretto Catalogue, with a Checklist of Revised Attributions and a New Chronology IV. Technique and Conservation Erasmus Weddigen, The Works of Tintoretto: Sewn, Designed, Patched and Cut. The Uncertainty of Canvas Measurements - Ana Gonzalez Mozo, El concepto de dibujo en Jacopo Tintoretto: analisis de los recursos tecnicos utilizados en algunos cuadros del Museo Nacional del Prado - Robert Wald, Tintoretto's Vienna Susannah and the Elders. History, Technique and Restoration V. Theory and Collecting Maria H. Loh, Huomini della nostra eta. Tintoretto's Preposterous Modernity - Almuneda Perez de Tuleda, Coleccionismo de Tintoretto en Espana en torno a 1600 - Linda Borean, Jacopo Tintoretto nelle collezioni veneziane del Sei e Settecento - Leticia de Frutos, Tintoretto en las colecciones del marques del Carpio y del Almirante de Castilla.

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Cantidad de páginas 228


  • Bernard Aikema


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