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Functional Programming in Scala, Second Edition

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Libro Functional Programming in Scala, Second Edition

This international bestseller has been revised with new exercises, annotations, and full coverage of Scala 3. In Functional Programming in Scala, Second Edition you will learn how to: Recognize and write purely functional code Work with errors without using exceptions Work with state and concurrency Interact with functional structures that define common behaviors Write code that performs I/O without sacrificing functional programming Functional Programming in Scala has helped over 30,000 developers discover the power of functional programming. You’ll soon see why reviewers have called it “mindblowing”! The book smooths the complexity curve of functional programming, making it simple to understand the basics and intuitive to progress to more advanced topics. Concrete examples and exercises show you FP in the real world and reveal how it can improve your everyday coding practices. This second edition comes packed with the latest standards of FP, as well as full code updates to Scala 3, and its new language features. Foreword by Daniel Spiewak. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Functional code is easy to test, reuse, and parallelize, and it’s practically immune to whole categories of state-related bugs. With its strong functional features, familiar syntax, and seamless interoperability with Java, there’s no better place to start learning functional programming than the flexible Scala language. About the Book In Functional Programming with Scala, Second Edition you’ll learn functional programming from first principles. Hands-on exercises and examples make it easy to start thinking and coding functionally. This revised edition contains extensive exercise annotations to help you explore FP in depth, along with steps to build your own functional libraries in Scala. Once the functional lightbulb goes on, you’ll never look at coding the same way again. What’s Inside Recognize and write purely functional code Work with errors without using exceptions Work with state and concurrency Interact with functional structures that define common behaviors About the Reader For Java or Scala programmers. No knowledge of functional programming required. About the Author Michael Pilquist is the lead maintainer of FS2, a functional streaming library, and contributes to the Typelevel ecosystem. Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason are recognized experts in functional programming and authors of the first edition of Functional Programming with Scala. Table of Contents: PART 1 - INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING 1 What is functional programming? 2 Getting started with functional programming in Scala 3 Functional data structures 4 Handling errors without exceptions 5 Strictness and laziness 6 Purely functional state PART 2 - FUNCTIONAL DESIGN AND COMBINATOR LIBRARIES 7 Purely functional parallelism 8 Property-based testing 9 Parser combinators PART 3 - COMMON STRUCTURES IN FUNCTIONAL DESIGN 10 Monoids 11 Monads 12 Applicative and traversable functors PART 4 - EFFECTS AND I/O 13 External effects and I/O 14 Local effects and mutable state 15 Stream processing and incremental I/O

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Cantidad de páginas 486


  • Michael Pilquist
  • Paul Chiusano
  • Rúnar Bjarnasson


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