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Diccionario Espanol-Ingles/ English-Spanish

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Libro Diccionario Espanol-Ingles/ English-Spanish

A Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary containing over 600,000 entries, which provides usage examples, grammar sections, and conjugation tables for regular and irregular English verbs.

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Cantidad de páginas 852


  • Marisol P. Castro


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ESPACIOS is a 2-semester intermediate Spanish program developed to accommodate the diverse needs of today's language learners and educators. ESPACIOS supports the many reasons students take Spanish by presenting grammar, vocabulary, and opportunities for communication within the exploration of a variety of different spaces: personal and public; historic and contemporary; cultural and social. The breadth of themes, countries, and content mediums exposes students to a more informed perspective to each given topic. Through this exploration, students expand on what they know about the...

El Español del Río de la Plata

Libro El Español del Río de la Plata

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Pio Moa: Los mitos de la guerra civil

Libro Pio Moa: Los mitos de la guerra civil

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Sonidos, Sabores Y Palabras (Book Only)

Libro Sonidos, Sabores Y Palabras (Book Only)

SONIDOS, SABORES Y PALABRAS features a diverse range of activities and exercises based on each song. These activities will have students call upon prior knowledge, reflect and empathize with the lyrics, and make connections to their own experiences. The thought-provoking group activities require students to analyze the meaning behind the songs, as well as investigate and discuss how they relevantly reflect Latin cultures today. Suitable for self-study, building vocabulary, and developing reading and listening skills.

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