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Cuide su rebano

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Libro Cuide su rebano

The realities and rewards of leadership come to life in this illuminating and insightful look at the ancient biblical image of shepherds. Experience a fully illustrated personal encounter with Bedouin shepherds whose life and work prompt us to think biblically about serving Christ. Here is your trail to become a shepherd leader: a compassionate provider, courageous protector and competent guide. Take this forty day journey and experience a life changing encounter with the Divine Shepherd. Become a shepherd after God's own heart by rediscovering true biblical leadership. An authentic classic endorsed by Billy Graham and a host of church and ministry leaders from across the globe. *Dear Dr. Laniak, Our family knows from first-hand experience your heartbeat for the Gospel and your love of the students in your charge. You are an authentic Shepherd Leader, and I am encouraged to know that you are training others to be the same. (Dr. Billy Graham) *Of the leadership models in Christ's ministry, only the servant model has received any in-depth treatment. Laniak's book helps remedy this lack, providing a detailed treatment of the Shepherd Model - something that is desperately needed by today's Christian leaders. (Dr. Bobby Clinton, J. Robert Clinton Leadership Development Institute and Clinton Network) *When much of what passes for Christian leadership is made up of secular models, with some biblical texts thrown in, this book models for us godly leadership as shown in Jesus - the Chief Shepherd! (Dr. Leighton Ford, Leighton Ford Ministries) *Books on leadership are everywhere but this one is different: Tim Laniak gives perspectives on 'shepherd leadership' drawn from biblical insights, first hand cross-cultural living amongst shepherds in Bible lands, and contemporary applications. (Kirk Franklin, Executive Director, Wycliffe International, Melbourne, Australia) *A warm, winsome, and captivating forty-day journey to Godly leadership. (Anne Graham Lotz, Founder and President, AnGeL Ministries) *With a shepherd's heart and a scholar's mind, Laniak goes beyond Phillip Keller's devotional classic, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, and raises our job description to a divine standard. (Dr. Haddon W. Robinson, President, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) *Through real-life stories of shepherds, Christian leaders are called to be not only tender and loving, but also tough and disciplined. (Dr. John M. Perkins, President, The John M. Perkins Foundation) *Exceptional leadership insights, welcome guidance, and rare encouragement! (Dr. Mark W. McCloskey, Lead Faculty, Transformational Leadership, Bethel Seminary) *Reading Laniak's fascinating anthropological observations and rich scriptural insights will make spiritual shepherds anywhere in the world better leaders and better followers. (Dr. Samuel J. Voorhies, Former Director, International Leadership Development, World Vision International) *A refreshing devotional that draws the long time Christian leader back to first base... and equally equips the new pastor, elder or deacon who desires to remain faithful over the long haul. (Dr. David Yap, Pastor, Chairman, SIM East Asia) * Because Laniak's reflection is so deeply grounded in Scripture and its cultural context, I will recommend this work enthusiastically to God's undershepherds everywhere, who will find its orientation immediately relevant. (Dr. David Baer, President, Overseas Council) *Laniak's refreshing insights provide a roadmap for further reflection long after the 40 days of readings have been completed. (Dr. John Pellowe, CEO, Canadian Council of Christian Charities) *A spiritual quest that could have been written specifically for military chaplains...(Captain Jessie R. Tate, Former Fleet Chaplain, Commander US Fleet Forces Command) * A most needed and timely book that warms the heart and lifts the spirit. (Dr. Danny Goh, Associate Dean & Chair, Pastoral Theology, Singapore Bible College)

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Cantidad de páginas 286


  • Timothy Laniak


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