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Celebraciones Dominicales en Ausencia de Presbítero

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Libro Celebraciones Dominicales en Ausencia de Presbítero

As the number of available priests has declined, the Sunday Mass is becoming less and less available in some parishes and dioceses. Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest addresses this growing reality by providing the appropriate ritual to be used in the celebrating community. This revised ritual edition of Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest is fully bilingual, with Spanish and English printed side by side. It includes Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and two appendices, Directory for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest and Gathered in Steadfast Faith. This beautifully bound ritual book includes three ribbons and is printed in two colors. It will be a welcome addition to the sacristy or library of every parish, school, convent, and religious house.

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Cantidad de páginas 438


  • Catholic Church
  • Catholic Church. United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops. Bishops' Committee On The Liturgy
  • Catholic Church. United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops


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