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Caminemos con Jesús

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Libro Caminemos con Jesús

With the increasing numbers of Hispanics in North America, there is a growing need to express the Christian faith in ways that are meaningful to the Latino/Hispanic community. Although there have been many attempts to do this, little has been written that defines in a systematic way a meaningful theology for North American Hispanics. In this work Goizueta challenges both traditional European and American theologies. Although Goizueta recognizes that Hispanic and Latino might be artificially imposed labels, he finds a common link in the Spanish language and a shared culture. He describes the Latino/Hispanic experience in North America, using the Biblical language of people in exile who are living on the margins of society and who are seeking ways to rediscover their identity in their new situation.

Más detalles de libro

Tñitulo Secundario : hacia una teología del acompañamiento

Cantidad de páginas 320


  • Roberto S. Goizueta


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