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Arte y cultura: El British Museum: Clasificar, ordenar y dibujar figuras (Art and Culture: The British Museum: Classify, Sort and Draw Shapes)

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Libro Arte y cultura: El British Museum: Clasificar, ordenar y dibujar figuras (Art and Culture: The British Museum: Classify, Sort and Draw Shapes)

Take a trip to the British Museum as you explore its fascinating objects and geometric shapes! This famous London museum was built for exploration - and for learning geometry. Learn about its history and artifacts as you build your geometry skills. This Spanish math book seamlessly integrates the teaching of math and reading, and uses real-world examples to teach math concepts. Text features include images, a glossary, an index, captions, and a table of contents to build students' vocabulary and reading comprehension skills as they interact with the text. The rigorous practice problems, sidebars, and math diagrams extend the learning experience and provide multiple opportunities for students to practice what they have learned. The Math Talk section provides an in-depth problem-solving experience to challenge higher-order thinking skills. Packed with fun facts, this informational text supports ESL students and STEM education.

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Cantidad de páginas 32


  • Monika Davies


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Libro La Biblia Para los Preescolares

Spanish Language Edition A Special Bible for the Pre-reading Years THE PRESCHOOLERS BIBLE - Builds a delight in Bible learning for 3s through 5s - All the important values will come to focus in this simple Bible - Builds your child's life and character through Bible truth - The next step up from The Toddlers Bible. Don't miss it! Has your child delighted in The Toddler's Bible? Now is the time to make the next step. Move up to The Preschoolers Bible, for 3s through 5s. This is a delight to read, rich with character-building values for that vital pre-reading age.-V. Gilbert Beers

Aventuras En Colombia: Sueno de Un Nino Misionero Que Se Convierte En Realidad

Libro Aventuras En Colombia: Sueno de Un Nino Misionero Que Se Convierte En Realidad

¡Secuestrado! Martín clavó los ojos en las tres ametralladoras que lo apuntaban directamente a él.Después de intentar escapar, inclinó su cabeza y esperó a morir. La guerrilla había capturado a este joven misionero en las selvas de Colombia. Su reacción ante la adversidad y la fe de Martín inspirarán a los niños y jóvenes lectores en su caminar personal con el Señor. A su vez, este relato de la vida real llena de aventuras con sus equivocaciones humorísticas, los mantendrán entretenidos hasta leer todas sus páginas.

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