Recordar Es Morir / To Remember Is to Die
Resumen del Libro

"Recordar es morir re�ne los mejores trabajos de Daniel Coronell para su columna de la revista Semana. Con temas como Agro Ingreso Seguro, Saludcoop, la Yidispol�tica, las Chuzadas del DAS y el Palacio de Justicia, entre otros, el autor introduce a los lectores en la labor del periodista investigativo, revelando, por primera vez, detalles de c�mo realiza su trabajo, el detr�s de c�maras de sus pesquisas, as� como su forma de entender y ejercer el periodismo. Muchos reprochar�n a Coronell que se ocupe de la podredumbre nacional y no de ?tantas cosas buenas y bonitas que tiene nuestro lindo pa�s. No es esa su misi�n. La suya consiste en destapar los abusos, �nica manera de poder corregirlos, as� como el m�dico, para recobrar la salud del paciente, debe diagnosticar primero la enfermedad. Por eso insisto en que este no es un libro de recuerdos. Es una gran colonoscopia de la pol�tica colombiana". Daniel Samper Pizano ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONTo Remember is to Die compiles Daniel Coronell's best works from his column in Colombia's Semana Magazine (Colombia's Week Magazine). With subjects like the Secure Agricultural Income which was an agriculturel corruption scandal, Healthcoop, the political scandal known as Yidispol�tica, illegal telephone interceptions and recordings by the Administrative Security Department and the Department of Justice, among others, the author offers readers the opportunity to see first hand the work of an investigative journalist, revealing for the first time, details of how they do their work, the behind the scenes of their investigations, as well as how they understand and practice journalism in general. His mission is to uncover abuses. Many will disapprove of Coronell focusing only on the decaying parts of Colombia, and not highlighting the so many good and beautiful things the country has to offer. But that is not his mission. His mission is to uncover abuses, that is the only way to fix them, just like a doctor, in order to get a patient healthy again, he must first diagnose the disease.
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Cantidad de páginas 278
- Daniel Coronell
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