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Raúl Cordero

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Libro Raúl Cordero

Radi Cordero (Havana, 1971) represents through his work the "other Cuban art". Far from the standards of Revolution art, and without falling into topics of other artists from in and out of the island, Cordero 'samples' pretexts whimsically obtained from various referential origins (press, magazines, books, TV, photography and video) and shows us his work as a result of recycling, of a revival, creating a new reality that refers more to Art than to any other apparent content. The texts of Bruce Ferguson, Barry Schwabsky and Kevin Power and the interview with Omar-Pascual Castillo go deep into the universe of this artist, who with false frivolousness and irony, subverts, provokes and questions the proper essence of what he produces at every instant. Bruce W. Fergusson is an independent curator and critic who has worked internationally for more than thirty years. He served formerly as Dean of the School of Arts at Colombia University and as President and Executive Director aof the New York Academy of Art, and is the founding director and senior curator of the biennial SITE Santa Fe, in New Mexico. Kevin Power is Professor of American Literature at the University of Alicante, and also visiting professor at the ISA in Havana and the universities of Buffalo, San Diego and Tucumßn. From 2003 to 2005 he was deputy director of the department of Conservation, Research and Public Information at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid. Today he is an art critic and independent curator. Barry Schwabsky is an Art critic who has been writing for The Nation magazine since 2005. His essays have appeared in many other publications, including Flash Art, Artforum, the London Review of Books and Art in America. He has also taught at the School of Visual arts in New York, the Pratt Institute, New York University, Goldsmiths College and Yale University. Omar-Pascual Castillo is professor of Aesthetic Theory at the ISDI in Havana, he has worked as an independent curator of contemporary art since 1994 and has published over one hundred critical and theoretical articles in various books, catalogues, and magazines. He was also the artistic director of ART-JAEN '09. He is currently director of the CAAM (Atlantic Centre of Modern Art) in Las Palmas, Spain.

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Cantidad de páginas 217


  • Bruce W. Ferguson
  • Raúl Cordero
  • Barry Schwabsky


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