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Mi Ultimo Verano Con Cass

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Libro Mi Ultimo Verano Con Cass

Megan and Cass have been joined at the hip for as long as they can remember. For years, while spending summers together at a lakeside cabin, they created art together, from sand to scribbles... to anything available. Then Cass moved away to New York. When Megan finally convinces her parents to let her spend a week in the city, too, it seems like Cass has completely changed. She has tattoos and every artist in the city knows her. She even eats chicken feet now! At least one thing has stayed the same: They still make their best art together. But when one girl betrays the other's trust on the eve of what is supposed to be their greatest artistic feat yet, can their friendship survive? Can their art?

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  • Mark Crilley


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