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Lo Unico Que No Podras Hacer En El Cielo / One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven

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Libro Lo Unico Que No Podras Hacer En El Cielo / One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven

Are you ready for eternity? If so, are you helping others get ready for that journey into eternity that each of us must take? As believers, we all know that we should tell others about the Lord, but we often don't know how. This practical book gives great ideas for starting conversations with the lost, how to keep them going, examples of various witnessing situations, and solid answers to commonly asked questions. It will help motivate and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus Christ the rest of your life. Hear stories of real-life encounters that demonstrate how to put these principles into action. Learn how to open conversations and keep them going using very simple questions and ideas familiar to all of us. See how to navigate around common would-be obstacles to walk people right to the gospel. Then see how the lost are impacted to be thinking about their eternal destination and thankful to have their questions answered. You'll be filled with incredible thanks for having given them the help they need and for honoring God by giving them the truth about salvation.

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Cantidad de páginas 255



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