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La antigüedad tardía en el Alto Valle del Duero

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Libro La antigüedad tardía en el Alto Valle del Duero

The series Archaeological Studies on Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe (A.D. 400-1000) (ASLAEME Series) covers the chronological and spatial span from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, themes that have seen an extraordinary flourishing of publications and research over the last 25 years in western Europe, and more generally in the whole geographic area once ruled by the Roman Empire until its dissolution during the 5th century A.D. One of the priorities of ASLAEME is to contribute to the knowledge of this period from an archaeological perspective by means of the publication of an homogeneous series as far as time and space are concerned, but with a multidisciplinary approach and, above all, open to an honest and constructive debate that will prove scientifically enriching. To accomplish this, the series will feature the work of young researchers who will have the possibility to subject the results of their studies to an international scientific audience. The ASLAEME series is divided into three sub-series publication of monographs on both final and in-progress preliminary reports of particular sites, as well as catalogues resulting from exhibitions and re-evaluations of material pertaining to the chronological framework of the ASLAEME series. The third volume in this series is the monograph by of Eusebio Dohijo on Late Antiquity in the High Valley of the Duero River in Portugal.

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Cantidad de páginas 495


  • Eusebio Dohijo


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