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Gramática española: Análisis y práctica

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Libro Gramática española: Análisis y práctica

This advanced Spanish grammar text, written with a strong linguistic perspective, is intended both for upper level grammar courses as well as for introductory courses in Spanish linguistics. It focuses in particular on those rules of the Spanish language that explain syntax and its components, especially those that are traditionally difficult for students of Spanish. The flexible organization of the text will allow the instructor to cover chapters (and material within chapters) in a manner that best serves his/her curricular objectives. In addition, the combination of mechanical and creative activities provides students opportunities to polish and master the finer points of the language.

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Cantidad de páginas 368


  • Larry D. King
  • Margarita Suñer


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Biografía de Larry D. King

``` Los detalles sobre la vida y la obra de Larry D. King son limitados y no alcanzan la extensión requerida para una biografía completa. ```

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