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Fixing Bad UX Designs

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Libro Fixing Bad UX Designs

A practical guide filled with case studies and easy solutions to solve the most common user experience issues Key Features Understand and fix the pain points of a bad UX design to ensure greater customer satisfaction. Correct UX issues at various stages of a UX Design with the help of different methodologies for fixing bad UXs See best practices and established principles in UX with case studies illustrating these practices and principles Book DescriptionHave your web applications been experiencing more hits and less conversions? Are bad designs consuming your time and money? This book is the answer to these problems. With intuitive case studies, you’ll learn to simplify, fix, and enhance some common, real-world application designs. You’ll look at the common issues of simplicity, navigation, appearance, maintenance, and many more. The challenge that most UX designers face is to ensure that the UX is user-friendly. In this book, we address this with individual case studies starting with some common UX applications and then move on to complex applications. Each case study will help you understand the issues faced by a bad UX and teach you to break it down and fix these problems. As we progress, you’ll learn about the information architecture, usability testing, iteration, UX refactoring, and many other related features with the help of various case studies. You’ll also learn some interesting UX design tools with the projects covered in the book. By the end of the book, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to fix bad UX designs and to ensure great customer satisfaction for your applications.What you will learn Learn about ROI and metrics in UX Understand the importance of getting stakeholders involved Learn through real cases how to fix bad UX Identify and fix UX issues using different methodologies Learn how to turn insights and finding into practical UX solutions Learn to validate, test and measure the UX solutions implemented Learn about UX refactoring Who this book is for This book is for anyone confronted with a poorly designed UX. It is ideal for UX professionals who want to solve problems with existing UX designs, and UX designers who want to enhance their designs or analyze and rectify where they went wrong.

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Tñitulo Secundario : Master proven approaches, tools, and techniques to make your user experience great again

Cantidad de páginas 342


  • Lisandra Maioli


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