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El nivel educativo de los trabajadores como factor de crecimiento económico

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Libro El nivel educativo de los trabajadores como factor de crecimiento económico

This book deals with the education of workers and the impact on the econnomic growth of Galicia and Spain. The flexibility and ability to learn associated with a good education are also important determinants of the capacity of workers to adapt to technological change. Both effects have been approximated by principal components and these indicators of human capital have been introducted, together with capital and labour, in a translog production function. Using cointegration techniques, we have estimated the relationships between the variables that define the productive processes of the Galician and global Spanish economies. We have analyzed the convergence betweeen Galicia and Spain in the same direction as the papers published by Bernard and Durlauf in 1995 and 1996.

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Tñitulo Secundario : un análisis comparativo entre Galicia y España

Cantidad de páginas 174


  • Carlos María Fernández-jardón Fernández
  • Anabel Caneda González


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