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El Arte de la Quietud En Un Mundo Agitado

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Libro El Arte de la Quietud En Un Mundo Agitado

When life is moving at a breakneck pace or when at times we're confronted with almost unreasonable demands clogging up our calendars, it can seem as if we have no time left to simply do nothing. Spending more time surrounded by calmness, resting and recovering, gives us the space to really process experiences, make sense of what we're feeling, and put a good distance between us and all the things on our to do list. What's more, this also makes us more present and able to devote our energy to the things that are important in life. Simply sitting in silence every once in a while, without moving, doing nothing, might just be the smartest choice you make in the world we live in. In The Art of Stillness in a Noisy World, meditation and yoga expert, Magnus Fridh, will help you find the calmness amidst the stresses of everyday life, helping you to become more present in a world where we seem to becoming ever more absent.

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Cantidad de páginas 180


  • Fridh Magnus


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