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Libros de Bill Bright (2 libros)

El Gozo de una Oracion Activa

Libro El Gozo de una Oracion Activa

Prior to his death in 2003. Dr. Bill Bright, founder and former president of Campus Crusade for Christ International, put into book form what he regarded as the 10 most vital principles every Christian should known and live by. The result is The Hoy of Knowing God, the 'simply powerful' 10-book series of Bright's most dynamic messages on successful Christian living.

El Gozo de una Vida Llena del Espiritu

Libro El Gozo de una Vida Llena del Espiritu

Prior to his death in 2003. Dr. Bill Bright, founder and former president of Campus Crusade for Christ International, put into book form what he regarded as the 10 most vital principles every Christian should known and live by. The result is The Hoy of Knowing God, the 'simply powerful' 10-book series of Bright's most dynamic messages on successful Christian living.