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Libros de Nele Neuhaus (2 libros)

Quien Siembra Vientos Recoge Tempestades

Libro Quien Siembra Vientos Recoge Tempestades

Right after returning from vacation, Inspector Pia Kirchhoff receives a call from her boss. She is to report immediately to a place in Kelkheim where a body of a night watchman from a wind power company has been found. She starts her investigation by talking to the people against the building of the turbines. A few appear to be motivated by personal reasons. The more she looks into the case, the more suspects she finds. The author combines the hot topic of alternative energy with corporate corruption to create a one-of-a-kind novel.

Amigos hasta la muerte

Libro Amigos hasta la muerte

A human hand is found in the zoo's elephant enclosure. The rest of the teacher and ardent environmentalist turns up on the lawn. Although admired by his students, nearly everyone else seems to have a reason to want him dead.