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Libros de Jill Briscoe (2 libros)

Como Resolver los Conflictos: Como Silenciar las Tormentas de la Vida

Libro Como Resolver los Conflictos: Como Silenciar las Tormentas de la Vida

How do you handle the storms of life? How do I? Do we stride over them like Jesus did, or do we sink under them like Peter (Matt.14: 30)? There's the conflict of church splits, or elders not supporting you. There's the conflict in the ministry home when children act up and don't follow the Lord. The winds of adversity can buffet us pretty badly, just as they buffeted the disciples' little boat (v. 24). But then Jesus comes to us, just when we're swamped and going down and says cheerfully, "Take courage, it is I, don't be afraid." Then we have a choice to walk over it all in triumph with Jesus ...

Como Encontrar Gozo: Como Crear Patrones de Vida Para una Existencia Gozosa

Libro Como Encontrar Gozo: Como Crear Patrones de Vida Para una Existencia Gozosa

Years ago, a young man we met on the streets of Europe found Christ. A few months later he stood up to testify to his newfound faith. "I've been running away from God for years," he said, "but I've discovered He has longer legs than I have!" I married the thought to these words: Sorrow would bury us Because sorrow is the undertaker. Joy is Jesus Jesus is the overtaker Who overtakes the undertaker And dresses our spirit in a garment of praise! Joy is Jesus God in Galilean cloth Touching our lives-- Offering us life! And making our hearts smile. Don't try to run away From the Lord-- Remember He ...