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Libros de Don Lessem (2 libros)

Los dinosaurios más rápidos (The Fastest Dinosaurs)

Libro Los dinosaurios más rápidos (The Fastest Dinosaurs)

"Dino" Don Lessem brings readers face-to-face with various dinosaur species, detailing their habitats, way of life and how they became extinct. An acclaimed dinosaur expert, Don Lessem has written more than 30 children's books, writes a popular dinosaur column in Highlights magazine, and was an adviser for Jurassic Park. Take a trip through dinosaur time to meet these fast dinosaurs face-to-face: The Gallimimus could outrun a sandstorm! The Struthiomimus may have been the fastest dinosaur. It could run up to 60 miles per hour! The Liaraptor ran until it took off into the air! These may have...

Dinosaurios con plumas (Feathered Dinosaurs)

Libro Dinosaurios con plumas (Feathered Dinosaurs)

"Dino" Don Lessem brings readers face-to-face with various dinosaur species, detailing their habitats, way of life and how they became extinct. An acclaimed dinosaur expert, Don Lessem has written more than 30 children's books, writes a popular dinosaur column in Highlights magazine, and was an adviser for Jurassic Park. Take a trip through dinosaur time to meet these feathered dinosaurs face to face: The Caudipteryx had feathered arms and a tail that looked like a pom-pom! The Sinovenator may have used colorful feathers to attract a mate! The Microraptor may have used its feathers to glide...