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Libros de Benjamin Villegas (2 libros)

Erase una Vez Colombia

Libro Erase una Vez Colombia

The complexity of a country in which violence and internal armed-conflict coexist with enormous cultural, natural, and human riches is captured in this illuminating essay by Colombian poet William Ospina. The accompanying photographs—all previously unpublished—are taken by some of Colombia's best photographers, and each in its own way sheds light on the possibility of a future in which the nation may become reconciled with itself. Esta colección de textos del célebre escritor colombiano William Ospina es un retrato de matices, buenos y malos, escrito de manera crítica pero certera...

Bogota Desde el Aire

Libro Bogota Desde el Aire

Majestic at 2,600 meters above sea level, Bogotá presents its best face from the air. From north to south and east to west, these views are a worthy homage to a city that over the past 40 years has been transformed into an urban and cosmopolitan center. The traditional barrios, parks, and historical and cultural centers are particularly spectacular when seen from these perspectives that early settlers could have never imagined. Majestuosa a sus 2.600 metros sobre el nivel del mar, Bogotá muestra su mejor cara desde el aire. De norte a sur y de oeste a este, esta fotografía es un homenaje a ...